Executive Interim Manager / Visioner & Strategist / Chief Business Officer at SDS OPTIC
-MBA graduate from University of Central Lancashire Preston, UK
-Experienced Leader and Executive Management, specialized in strategic management, sales management, start-ups in different countries and cultures. Strong financial, ethics
and compliance background.
-Personal capabilities developed with Dale Carnagie and Franklin Covey programs.
-Strong Leadership and Vision building expertise.
-Polish National Sales Awards referee; Business Centre Club member, TEDx speaker
-Interim Management Ass. Board Member

Professional experience
Dozen years as International Sales Director, Country Manager in different countries for Esselte Leitz Group, few years as CEO/Managing Director CEE for a Swiss stock-listed Biella Neher Holding AG in Poland, CEO/Board Member of Iron Mountain Inc. (NYSE: IRM) in Poland. Developed new export markets (EU, Ukraine, Russia), did several launches for rep offices in Germany, The Netherlands, Austria. Built a greenfield operation in Ukraine for Esselte Leitz Group. Follows few M&A projects, incl. industry integration, with support of Private Equity Funds. Worked and lived in Poland, Ukraine, Russia and Switzerland. Currently delivers executive interim projects and supports several biotech start-ups with vision, strategy, commercialization proccesses and fundraising. Supports local investment environment and venture capital by creating a bridge between science and business.
Delivers executive coaching and mentoring project in Ukraine for local SMEs, financed and supported by Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Biotech & Healthcare Start-ups Commercialization, Leadership, Strategic Management, Restructuring, Financial Management, Change Management, Sales Management, International Markets Development, Vision builder.
Interim projects
SDS Optic, Biotarget, Bilive Innovation, Medical Inventi, Deltim X-Lander, AJGroup, Biurfol, Oknostyl, 4Results, Groupe SEB, Black Red White, Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Nations D.P.
Worked for
Iron Mountain Inc., Biella-Neher Holding AG, Esselte Leitz, Resta.